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Export of Products

Export of ICP DAS products to the countries of the Customs Union with a 0% VAT, as well as to other countries worldwide.

All ICP DAS products

The group "New Technologies" offers for review the products of the plant ICP DAS: pAC controllers, remote I / O modules, expansion baskets, I / O adapters, communication and PC boards, industrial and wireless communications, industrial Ethernet, operator panels and monitors, Signal normalizers, meters, accessories and software
  • Expansion Baskets ICP DAS
    Expansion Baskets
    RU-87Pn, ET-87Pn, USB-87Pn, I-8000
  • I/O tools ICP DAS
    I/O tools
    EIP-2000, USB-2000, WF-2000, etc.
  • Converters and repeaters ICP DAS
    Converters and repeaters
    RS-232/422/485, CAN, HART, etc.
  • Protocol Gateways ICP DAS
    Protocol Gateways
    tGW-700, GW-7550, I-7000, HRT-700
  • Device Servers ICP DAS
    Device Servers
    DS/tDS, PDS/PPDS, I-7000, etc.
  • Controllers ICP DAS
    XPAC, WinPAC, LinPAC, iPAC, etc.
  • I/O modules ICP DAS
    I/O modules
    I-7000, I-8K, I-87K, ET-7000, etc.
  • I/O Adapters ICP DAS
    I/O Adapters
    PCI, ISA, CAN, FRNET, GPIB, etc.
  • Software ICP DAS
  • Accessories ICP DAS
    power supplies, cables, boards
  • Media converters ICP DAS
    Media converters
    NS-200x series, etc.
  • Wireless communicators ICP DAS
    Wireless communicators
    WF-2571, GTM-201x, SST-2450, etc.
  • Industrial Switches ICP DAS
    Industrial Switches
    NS-115x, NS-206x, NSM-108,206x, etc.
  • Operator panels and monitors ICP DAS
    Operator panels and monitors
    TPD-280, VPD-130, DK-8070, etc.
  • Signal normalizers ICP DAS
    Signal normalizers
    SG-3000, SG-770, SG-785, etc.
  • Meters ICP DAS
    series PMC-5141, PM-3000, DL-100T


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